Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bringing Back the Blog.

I've been on a mission to have an experience that was worthy of bringing back the blog. It's been so long since the last post that I thought it really needed to be something good. 

So here it goes! 

On my latest visit home I took the train into New London and then took a cab to meet my father at his work. He wasn't quite ready so I loaded my things into his pick up truck and waited around for a bit. Once he was all set we were heading to town to pick up the turkey and other tid bits for Thanksgiving. He came out of the shop, hopped into the truck and turned the key. Nothing happened not even a click. He did this a few more times and still nothing. He popped the hood and got out of the truck stared in for a second and then disappeared behind the truck only to return with a wrench. I thought this was to turn something. No. He slid under the truck and it sounded like he was just hitting something. When he re appeared from under the truck he tossed the wrench into the back and climbed back in and turned the key. Nothing. At this point he could have gotten mad but really what was the point so we were just laughing. 

He opened up the door and got out of the truck placed one of his hands against the back side of the frame and the other still on the steering wheel and pushed the truck backwards. Then pushed it forward a tiny bit, jumped in and turned the key. He was trying to pick up just enough speed that it would pop start. On the first try nothing. So he did it again, at this point it became clear that it was going to take the two of us. 

So I jumped out and positioned my self the same way he was and we pushed the car back and changed the direction we were pointed so we were oriented over a tiny hill thinking if we could pick up a bit more speed that we would get it going. One last time we pushed it back and then forward, first I jumped in and then my Dad, and we were on our way. 


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